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Monday, August 10, 2009

My 1st day on the Challenge! The Meal PLAN!

As I write this the exciting part of the day is that I am not starving! I have had a busy day with real estate, speaking bookings, preparing for upcoming webinars that I will be teaching with Real Estate Champions and getting on track with my 2 week eating plan!

I have weighed, measured and prepared by getting things packed so as the rest of the busy week unfolds I will have everything ready for a cooler to go!

I want to make sure again before I share what I am eating that this plan was designed for my needs. What your needs are and what my needs are could be different but I am excited about the portions and the timing for the program. I asked Jen if I could switch anything around and I was told NO - that the plan is designed for a metabolism boost and she has fats, proteins, carbs etc. timed perfect for what she is trying to accomplish with me...(a drop in 20 lbs) -

So, I have to say that I encourage you to contact Lishia Dean and see what is the best program for your needs...But here is my plan!

1st meal: 4 egg whites (yes just the whites) and 1/3 cup Oatmeal - I use Quaker Instant Oatmeal

2nd Meal: 2 Pieces of fruit choose: Apple, Grapefruit or 1/2 cup green grapes (Did I hear Yummy)

3rd Meal LUNCH: 2 Cups of Spinach lettuce, 4 oz. of grilled chicken (NO SEASONING), 2 Tbs. of raisins, 2 tbs of sliced almonds, and 1/2 cup of chopped peppers and 3 tbs. of Balsamic Vinaigrette dressing
This was soooooooooo good!

4th Meal: Protein Shake with water and ice

5th Meal: ONE Plain Rice Cake and 2 TBS of any peanut butter
6th Meal: 6 oz of white fish, salmon, or tuna steak, and 1 cup of green veggie of our choice, MUST BE GREEN and a 6 oz. sweet potato

Lastly, before bed M, W, F have 6 oz. yogurt and Kachi cereal mixed in it and on T, TH a protein drink!
Believe it or not that is a lot of food and I have not went hungry today.

I have been pretty good on the water intake but am sure I should be drinking more because I have not lived in the bathroom flushing out!
My favorite meal today was LUNCH!
To keep today's blog from being so long I am breaking down day 1 into a few blogs -
Meal Plan, Starting Pics and Measurements and Challenge MEMBERS !

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